Call me old-fashioned but I just have a difficult time seeing how living with 3-4 roommates in 800 sq. ft sounds like a good time. I can see how people like how there is "more to do" and God knows there is. Not very many towns have Broadway or a big swinging dick financial district or even a well developed public transportation system which can, at times, prove entertaining in its own strange way.
But part of me just wonders how the average kid is "making it in America" in places like NYC and D.C. Don't get me wrong, these places are cool and maybe a lot of this post is my jealousy of the kids who are living their 20s in such places. However, I just don't see how most of the kids I know could possibly make ends meet in said cities without the benefit of some heavy parental subsidies.
Just consider this little tidbit from my boys over at CNN Money:
How far will my salary go in another city?
Your Results
$60,000 in Jacksonville, FL
Bear in mind that Manhattan is the most expensive borough of NYC. That's where most people move once they've "made it"